Inside Universal Design Studio’s Shoreditch HQ


Pankhasari Retreat will be located in the Darjeeling region, sandwiched between a river and waterfall. It will offer all the digital necessities, as well as views over tea estates and crop plantations.
Visitors will be able to choose to stay in one of two homes – part of a stacked building – or in a single dwelling, connected via a covered footbridge. Pitched roofs cover the trio of residencies, all of which feature folding full-length windows and balconies that let inhabitants gaze out across the boulder-covered surrounding region.

While researching ways to feel more connected in a society where 45% of people report feeling lonely, authenticity emerged as a common strategy for combating loneliness. When there’s an gap between what you’re delivering to others and how you’re actually experiencing life, loneliness and insecurity are sure to follow. Why? Well, when you’re not showing people the real you, you can’t be sure the person is choosing you.

But in a world where so many people are faking it, what does it even mean to be authentic?

“Authenticity means you show your good side and bad side in a relationship, instead of a curated version of yourself,” explains Sara Stanizai, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

“Many people fall back on old emotional patterns that they learned to keep others happy. But people don’t want the performative version of you. To be truly authentic, we should share the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is an opportunity for greater connection.”

To be truly authentic, we should share the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is an opportunity for greater connection.

When you’re authentic, you show that you have love for yourself and that you believe that who you are is enough. Here are 5 techniques for getting yourself to a place where you can be the same person in every area of life.

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um novo conceito
O Creative Space acredita que apoiar o seu time é a melhor maneira de crescer. Para isso criamos ambientes pensando no conforto e profissionalismo que a sua empresa precisa, mas não queremos esquecer do mais importante: você!
Por isso temos espaços como a nosso rooftop. Lá você pode se sentir à vontade para participar de palestras e cursos que serão ministrados para as mais diversas áreas. Afinal, ampliar conhecimento nunca é demais!
Mas lembre-se: depois de todo o trabalho você precisa de um tempo para relaxar. Então, que tal começar o dia fazendo yoga a céu aberto? Ou tirar uma soneca revigorante após o almoço em um espaço climatizado, com aromaterapia e som ambiente?
No nosso Space você sempre vai encontrar um cantinho para meditar e relaxar. São nesses momentos que surgem as melhores ideias! Bóra?